Jean Marc Dreyer – A visit We first met Jean Marc Dreyer from the village of Rosheim in Alsace a number of years ago at a winter salon in the tiny village of Glaine-Montaigut in the hills to the east of the Auvergne city of Clermont-Ferrand. It is a small […]
It all starts with the soil – Part 4
In three previous articles we have examined different rock types, how soils are formed and the creatures that work the soil for us. In this final article in the series we are going to explore the scientific literature that informed us about the negative effects of systemic sprays to prove that there is scientific merit in our claims.
It all starts with the soil – Part 3
In the two previous articles under this title we examined the different rock types that are found in vineyards and then looked at how soils are created from those rocks by actions including physical weathering, chemical weathering and biological weathering. In this article we are going to look at the living creatures that inhabit the soils in vineyards.
It all starts with the soil – Part 2
In the first article of this series of articles in the last newsletter we discussed the three types of rocks which cover the Earth but we did not discuss how these are turned into soil. That is what we are going to discuss in this article.
It all starts with the soil – Part 1
In this series of articles we will examine the influence of soils, their mineral composition and the inhabitants of the soil (worms, spiders, bacteria and fungi) have on the quality of grapes and hence the quality of wines made from them.
A new look at terroir
We explore some of the research that is emerging about the importance of living things in the landscape that contribute to terroir including the biota layer – the effect of living things. These living things range from the macro including birds, wasps and spiders down to the micro such as […]